Thursday, 17 September 2015

Living it up in Lone Pine

Lone Pine rocks!
There is a bit more to it than I first thought but it is still a small town. Everything is on the main street.
There are 2 bars (sorry Saloon's) and about 3 or 4 places to eat including a Pizza place and a deli.
The first bar we went into was literally across the road from us and was called Double L Bar. I was not blown away by it at first to say the least. It was a proper big old place, stretched right back and was just like all the saloon type bars you see in the movies when set in little 'hick' towns  (I don't think this is a hick town at all, its just the only way I can describe it!)
There was an old western movie playing, one disgruntled looking customer at the bar and the bartender had a big beer belly and a massive moustache. There was a big juke box, 2 pool tables and lots of signs on the walls!  Seriously.
We had a couple in there and then moved on to the other bar - Jake's Saloon.  This had actual saloon doors too!
Similar sort of size bar but with a big shuffle board game thing down one side where a group of English people were loudly playing it. They did actually strike up a game with one of the locals and I honestly heard one of them say, as they were at the final point and were being told that the American would win if the guy didn't do this right... 'hmm we're in a 3rd World type city here, do we really let the foreigners win..'  My jaw dropped.  Is it any wonder the British get a reputation for arrogance and rudeness with ignorant asshole comments like that?
Thankfully one of the women in his group reminded him that here HE was the foreigner. He lost anyway.
We got chatting away to the bar manager and it turns out he was a big City fan!  He and Dan got very excited when that came out and Dan even went back to get his City hat to give him.
We pretty much got this guys life story over the course of the night (we disappeared off for dinner as well and then came back) including hearing about his Vasectomy and how the pastor was not impressed with him doing it!  He also had a nickname of pumpkin balls and some of his relatives were in singing songs to him about it.  Very funny. I am now also FB friends with him as he wants to come to England and travel so he'll keep in touch with  me for suggestions etc!
We got a lock in too which was fun. The bar actually shuts at 10pm and he was turning people away but kept telling us and some others that we were OK for 'just one more'... We had about 3 more and I was a little bit tipsy I have to admit.  We called it a day though around 11.30ish as we are driving when all said and done. Dan also got chatting away to some Swiss guy in there (who had got engaged in Mariposa but his now Fiancee was in a mood and she actually stomped off back to the hotel!) Dan was the fortunate one to have to sit and look at every last photo this guy had taken.. hahaha.. Don't think he minded too much though tbh.
It was a great, kind of random bonkers night!  Just what I needed really as I had been feeling a little bit 'sad' after chatting with Aaron this morning as I am really missing him.  This is the longest I have ever been without him in nearly 19 years!  But he's fine and I think secretly he is missing me too ;-)

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