Tuesday 8 September 2015

6th Sept continued....

... where was I?!   oh yeah, lovely Mexican restaurant that were very kind in squeezing us in and giving us a nice table outside. There was live guitar music too and I loved watching the guitarist totally lose himself in his music.
We did sit next to a particularly dysfunctional family where Mom and Dad were clearly trying TOO hard to be entertaining, the 'Mother in Law' looked like she was forcing herself to smile and the kids...oh the kids were shocking. The teenage daughter only took out her earphones to pick at her main meal and never made eye contact or spoke with anyone and just concentrated on playing games / texting on  her phone
The son, who looked like he was probably late teens/early twenties, also refused to engage and when his dad dared to bring him into the conversation he glared at him, rolled his eyes and sneered some response!!  
I was fascinated!
I said to Dan that those kids would get a serious arse kicking if they were with me.. especially the girl!!
After that we headed further into town for a few drinks at a couple of places Dan had noted and got ourselves a little bit drunk!
Great day and night.....

1 comment:

  1. I would have been the same with the kids, I cannot stand that kind of disconnection, even on another table, it fascinates me how parents let the kids get away with it, although a lot of the time they are just as bad, I see so many mums pushing their kids in prams and they have their headphones in! Grrrr......
