Sunday 6 September 2015

Driving Dr D....!!

So, we finally got ourselves together and went and picked up our car.  Thankfully the hire car company had a Sat Nav so we have hired that now.
Had some fun trying to get the damn thing working though and just as I was about to march back off to the car hire desk, D suggested we look for another car lighter power point thingy just in case it was the power point that wasn't working...
Found another and then the sat nav worked like a charm! Saved me a bit of embarrasment back at the hire car place!!
Slighly nervously I got the car going and headed off round and around the car park trying to get out whilst trying to remember not to use my left foot for anything and that I needed to be on the right!
We finally emerged, the sat nav found us and our route and we were off!!  woohoo

Fabulous drive to Santa Barbara, such stunning views and was pretty much hassle free. (only one wrong turn!)
D was in charge of monitoring directions and reminding me not to drift over to right of my lane all the time! Seems to be a British thing as we saw another couple doing exactly the same thing (but much worse than me of course!)
He does think that he will drive a bit of the route but isn't sure if he will actually like it or not!  We'll see.
Anyway we had some laughs on the way - mainly at my expense and my usual dizzy way of looking at things.. Such as seeing the letters 'XING' on the road and after asking D what it was (and being told that it short for 'crossing' as in School Xing) i confessed that i thought it was in homage to their Chinese community and was like a multi lingual road direction thing!  hahaha... Of course Dan then took a picture of the next one just to remind me!
Had an interesting time surrounded by about 20 bikers as well. Man they were noisy but it looked really cool to see this big line of them all winding down the roads!

Arrived with no issue at our hotel in Santa Barbara (hope I can say the same for my suitcase) which is lovely and in a slightly quieter part of town though on the doorstep of all the bars and restaurants...we're about a mile away from the beach.

Had a good wander all the way to said beach yesterday, with a few beers stops on the way of course. And then Jet Lag hit us squarely in the face and we were still near the beach and had an uphill walk to deal with!  We cracked on and via the grocery store to buy some beers, we made it back, had one more on the sun terrace and then crashed into bed!

On another note, the boy is all good and yesterday I woke up to a picture from him of all the fridge food he had very excitedly gone out and purchased for himself!  haha.. so like literally the minute my back was turned he was there filling up the fridge with crap!  Tbh i did spot some bananas and grapes in there so not all bad!!
Jesse is doing well to so that all makes me even happier...

Next stop.. Whale watching for 4.5 hours.. SO excited for that..

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