Friday 18 September 2015

Death Valley and Vegas

Thankfully after our lock in last night we were ok this morning!
We went into town to get some breakfast at the local deli and get supplies for the trip through Death Valley..
We had a simple bagel each for breakfast and it was bliss!  Funny how you miss the basics really when you're away. Though tbh I hit my 'beans on toast' moment a few days back. Dan has also said he is missing my healthy cooking!  I am desperate for some Marmite!
The route to D.V was really straightforward and before we knew it we were in the park.
Like Yosemite, nothing prepares you for it. It is so vast, so stunning and so like you are on some alien planet (D came up with that one!)
We took one of the main routes through and did a few stops for pics but it was SO hot.. it got to 95degrees according to the car but i think it was hotter.
The roads were just like you see in all the pics, sooooooooo long and practically deserted. Though every now and again we did get stuck behind a winnebago or a coach.
Dan took over the driving at the Sand Dunes and he was off like a flipping racecar! It was basically a drive by photo shoot!  The problem was that I didn't have a clear view in my mind of specific sights - well I did but couldn't remember them all. So as I wasn't telling him where to look for, he just kept going  and bombed past one of the ones I wanted, but I only knew when I saw the sign and then it was there. Too late...
Also, I did get one particular spot wrong so I missed that too. Hey ho, it was a spectacular drive and I am glad we saw it.
We headed on then to Vegas - again, a simple route.  However, getting to find out where you park your rental car and then where the hell the actual reception is was not!  We ended up walking all the way through this 'Mile' Shopping centre that is part of the hotel but is not fun when you are laden with bags.
Finally found reception and joined the stupidly long queue for check-in and I went and sorted the car.
Room is lovely, really large and we actually have a pretty good view.   And even though whilst I write this we haven't even really stepped out onto the strip, I can say it is fookin mental here!
Dan's number 1 mission was going to the pool for a while and just chill out and that suited me just fine. We headed down and it was just so funny. We walked out to this banging house music and bodies everywhere - some looking like they needed to sleep off the booze and some in the pool just dancing around, woop wooping and attempting to make it into a little pool party. We were devastated and felt very old and naive to think we could just go for a chill out!
We went to the bar and had a drink and Dan kept saying he was sure there was more than just one pool and then finally he spotted it. We were so happy!
It was funny though watching numerous couples come through with clearly the same expectation as us and then having the same look of 'WTF' on their faces...
Headed over to the other pool which is more family friendly really, much quieter and was by this time fully in the shade. Suited us just fine.
We had a nice dip, finished our drinks and are now about to get ready and head out in the crazy town that is Vegas!!

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