Friday 18 September 2015

First night in Vegas

I finally got my head around the fact that here in Vegas, you spend your time flitting in and out of the other hotels OR your own if it is a big one, getting drinks, eating & using the Casino's and so we set off to explore. 
Went and put our names down for a table at Gordon Ramsey's Burgr place and headed off for a drink. We went into the Mall thing that is part of our hotel and found 'Sin City'.  Had a beer in there and then it was time to head back for food.
I had ridiculously large chicken burger which was really tasty but I certainly couldn't finish it. I was stuffed. Dan had a burger but was OK with it and managed to finish it off!
Tbh after that I think i could have quite happily gone to bed as have been feeling shattered the past couple of days. I think its all catching up on me plus I feel 'dried out' with all the air conditioning! 
Not forgetting this week has involved a lot of driving.. We've been covering over 200 miles most days..
Anyway, i pulled myself together and we headed out onto the Strip and wandered over to the Paris hotel. The noise of Vegas is crazy.. it is loud with music, people talking and woop wooping and street artists playing drums and things!  The strip literally crawls with people and everyone is wandering around with a beer or a cocktail..  
Found a nice little bar in Paris and I just sat there people watching for a while as its just such fun. Pretty much every walk of life is here in Vegas and so many people that you just wouldn't think would be suited to a 24/7 crazytown.
Finished in there and walked through into Bally's and then up and over to Balaggio's where we watched the fountains. Then we wandered through and chose to go to Caesar's rather than actual Balaggio's. Found a nice bar in there and again sat back and did some more people watching. Both of us had started to come round again after stuffing our faces so we were quite lively now.  
Anyway, we did some more wandering from there and ended up back in our hotel. The bars in ours aren't quite as nice as the one's in the other hotels we visited we felt but I'm sure we'll try them again tonight!
I did attempt to have a play on the slots but I couldn't actually find out how to put any money in it!!  I just wasn't obvious at all and we tried to watch some others but it was hardly discreet so we just scarpered! Neither of us is much into gambling so it doesn't worry us.
Ended up getting some beers and taking them up to our room so we could just chill out as we were both feeling tired again. So old!  
Anyway we have had a really good night's sleep now and a super lazy morning so we can be all over it tonight!  No more driving to be done and its just a helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon today....... Its a tough life hey.....

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