Monday 14 September 2015

Fog and stuff stops play!

Today didn't go anything like how we'd planned!

Dan's hangover got much worse and he was feeling really quite ill. We think it was part hangover, part something he'd eaten.
So biking over the bridge was just not going to happen as he couldn't really leave the room. He knew how much I really wanted to see the bridge so with a lot of encouragement and persuasion from him, I set off to walk to it thinking it wasn't too much of a walk really judging by the map.
hmmm yeah, what I had failed to realise is that the map fell short of where the bridge is and where it said 'Golden Gate Bridge' was not actually where it was!  I noticed, well into my walk, that it also said (2.5miles) which I then understood was how much further it was on from where the map stopped!

ha.. well I am nothing if not determined and I carried on anyway.  The walk just went on and on but it was really lovely and again, I saw a whole new side of SF.  The route took me by the marina and also the beach.. I went through Crissy Fields too and along this really scenic route up towards Fort Point which is where I really wanted to see the bridge from.
As I'm striding along it hit me that surely I should be able to see the bridge by now but I couldn't see where it was.. hmm perhaps it was just round that bend.. or that one.. etcetc!  And I strode on..

Eventually I got right up to Fort Point and was practically walking alongside the bridge  (not literally but could see it up above and to the right of me) but still I could not see this amazing bridge sweeping out into the water...
I realised then it was hidden in the fog.. Fookin loads of fog so thick it was actually hiding a full bloody massive bridge!  haha.. can't believe I didn't realise earlier that was why I hadn't seen it like 2 miles back!
Ahh well, I enjoyed the walk and as I got to the end of the route I managed to glimpse a little bit of it, took some pics and turned right around to head back.
14kms all in, in just under 3 hours. Not bad going but I was a tad achy to say the least when I got back.
Dan was much better by the time I returned which was great to hear and we made plans for dinner. Found a lovely little Italian right round the back of the hotel which had great reviews. Key thing apparently was that it was much more real than many of the others in Little Italy....
It was absolutely delicious. Really lovely interior and an excellent menu - not too much to chose from but plenty of choice.
I had Burrata to start and Dan had Caeser salad. I then had the special of the day which was Spaghetti and Swordfish - in a tomato, parsley and caper sauce. Dan had the Gnocchi in a meat Ragu and we shared a divine Cannoli..
All enjoyed with a bottle of Red and then we headed back to the hotel for an early night ready for an early start tomorrow where we are heading off on the next stage of our trip and are going to Mariposa ready for Yosemite........
San Francisco has been absolutely amazing.. we've thoroughly loved every minute and I will def come back. It is AWESOME!!

1 comment:

  1. The magic disappearing bridge ;)

    Have loved your updates on San Francisco, and I was really impressed with the Vertigo photo, even with the fog x
