Tuesday 8 September 2015

6th Sept - Whalewatching and friends (both old and new)

Last night I think I saw off the last of the  jet lag as I managed a bit more sleep but was still awake by 5am but at least I felt good. Though the excitement of our whale watching trip might have been what kept me going!
We arrived nice and early for the trip which was a good job as people were VERY eager to get themselves on this boat and bag the best spot!  We didn't half get pushed and shoved around when giving in the tickets and heading for the boat. 
Anyway, we got on the upper deck still and were able to grab a full bench for ourselves. Happily set up for the day we saw a family get up on our deck with their elderly father and mother who were both struggling a bit with mobility and they were looking for a seat (it was pretty full by this point) Everyone just averted their eyes so that they wouldn't get picked on to share their huge bench with them but Dan and I shouted them over and said for them to share with us as we knew we would probably be stood up most of the time.  
They did just that, took their seats and then struck up a conversation with us in gratitude. Well.... they became our bezzies for the entire boat ride and kept us entertained with many a story and also provided us with lots of advice on places to go and see.  
Vernon and Vicky they were called (we didn't catch their son, daugher and grumpy grandson's names!) and they were celebrating their 50th Wedding anniversary!

Anyway I digress... the actual boat trip was simply outstanding. We had the best time and saw such amazing beautiful creatures.  The dolphins were fabulous all chasing along after us and then staying by our side for quite a distance.. (I have a video and pics but can't seem to load anything to the blog as I don't have the right app...YET!)
and then we found the whales.. WOW.. totally WOW!  The captain was fantastic and would take us as close as he would dare - ie not so close to scare them or disturb them too much, but enough so you could get a decent view of them.  The people that run the trips are hugely into conservation and protection of the sea & its wildlife so they are quite careful about the boat they use and how they approach. 
We must have seen about 7 or 8 humpback whales in the end and then the unthinkable occurred and we spotted a Blue Whale!  So amazing..  I had never realised that they were known as Blue whales because their shadows create a bright blue 'streak' in the sea. Once we knew that it was easier to keep a track of where it was and be ready for it popping back up again. Whales come up to the surface a number of times whilst they are feeding or scouting for food (I think I have that right) and then will deep dive back down again and may be down for 15mins or so before they surface again somewhere.

Everyone was so excited about seeing a blue whale including the captain and we stayed for a while observing it before he disappeared off into the deep. At that point we turned around and started to head back (we were already late but the captain had chosen to stay longer so he could see the Blue whale).
So we turned and set off back towards the coast and lo and behold what did we spot in the distance.. a whale jumping up and out of the water over and over again!!  Fabulous... so the captain sped off towards it and we were all suspended in anticipation of whether it would still be 'performing' by the time we reached it....  and it was. Amazingly it was and it was a joy to behold and a privilege to watch this magnificent creature playing and enjoying itself in its true and natural environment and not in some godawful chlorinated pool under duress...

Our lovely new friends invited us for lunch with them as we headed back but we politely declined as we were a bit minging and needed freshen up, change and see if the suitcase had arrived! 
Sadly it hadn't when we got here but a phone call here and quick chat there brough a knock on the door and the words 'Special Delivery' from the guy that runs the hotel and there he was with my suitcase!!  Oh old friend, it's wonderful to see you! I was literally dancing around the room!  I kept pulling things out going 'OH my makeup... OH my underwear...' etc. ha, I know small things.

Prior to this we had actually stayed on our sun terrace after getting back from the boat and enjoyed some beers. Dan made another new friend - German guy that was staying here.. Footie obv being the shared interest!
After I calmed down about my case and actually got ready we headed out and stopped at a lovely Mexican restaurant for a delicious meal.


  1. I am so happy you saw a blue whale, it is something on my list, the only ones I have seen so far have been narrated by David Attenborough or suspended from the ceiling in the Natural History Museum.

    Loving the blog Sazzle, and I am so glad you have your case back, make up and undies... essential! :-)

  2. Dan and I still can't quite believe we saw one!

    Glad you are enjoying the blog! I'm so glad I have done this now as I would never have remembered half of this stuff 6months down the line! x
